Dec. 20 Sunrise at 9:24 and sunset at 3:15.
But that's not the whole story. Even at noon the sun is very low on the horizon. Hibernation doesn't seem like a bad alternative lifestyle!
We've been blessed with some relatively clear days and are happy to get whatever sun we can. We did buy a "happy light" which is supposed to give some benefit, but I'm personally a little skeptical.
Above all we feel blessed to be in Finland, and find new meaning to the hymn "He is my Light." What a boost it is to our spirits to associate with these young missionaries and with the young adult members here! There smiles and enthusiasm brighten every day!
This is as high in the sky as the sun got on a recent clear day. Even at noon it feels like sunset. |
Just a few hours later the sun is already sinking into the horizon. |
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